Choosing & Buying Sod FAQs

Which type of sod should I choose?

  • Kentucky Bluegrass is dark green in color, uniform in texture, and tolerates full sun to partial shade.
  • Fine Fescue/Kentucky Bluegrass mixes are versatile, shade tolerant and drought tolerant, however, because they contain two different species of grasses, the stand is not as uniform in color or texture as 100% Kentucky bluegrass. If you are trying to patch an area of grass or installing next to an existing lawn, the mix may be the sod of choice.
  • Turf Type Tall Fescue is deep rooted, drought and shade tolerant and provides good wear tolerance.

When all else fails, just ask us! We’re the sod experts for a reason.

Which type of grass is best for shady areas?

Turf Type Tall Fescue or a fine fescue mix.

Which type do you recommend for patching or to blend with surrounding seeded areas?

Fine Fescue/Kentucky Bluegrass is a blend of 2 grasses and may be the mix of choice. 

Which type of grass is best for high traffic areas?

Sports fields predominantly use Kentucky Bluegrass for its recuperative qualities.  The rhizome root system grows laterally to repair itself.

Which type of grass is good for dogs and around pools?

We recommend Turf Type Tall Fescue for its durability and deep root system, as well as Kentucky Bluegrass for its qualities listed above.

What are the measurements of a roll of sod? How much does one roll weigh?

A roll of sod weighs approximately 30-35 lbs, and when rolled out, yields a strip of grass that is 2 feet wide X 5 feet long. (Covers 10 square feet)

How many rolls on a pallet? How much does a pallet of sod weigh?

60 rolls per pallet = 600 Sq. Ft. A pallet of sod weighs approximately 1 ton (2,000 lbs.)

What time of year is best to install sod?

One of the many advantages of sod is that you can successfully install it throughout the growing season as long as the ground is not frozen and you have sufficient water to get it well rooted. Sod especially loves cool temperatures and frequent rain during Spring and Fall. Summer can be hot and dry; be sure to water deeply and thoroughly in the morning and afternoon.